Neurofeedback as a brain enhancer

Neuroscenter Clinic

Located in Barcelona and Girona

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Neuroscenter Clinic

Located in Barcelona and Girona


When we speak about “cognitive reserve” we mean the cognitive capacity accumulated during a lifetime, a capacity that does not prevent the appearance of diseases, but that can mitigate their symptoms. Brain training is one of those activities that leads to a greater cognitive reserve. Neurofeedback therapy was developed through various investigations initiated by the discovery of brain waves by Hans Berger in the 1920s with the first EEG. It is a non-invasive therapy, which acts directly on brain function causing an effective efficacy that is maintained over time.

The procedure consists of a first evaluation of brain activity by performing an EEG by placing 19 sensors located in the skull that give us a complete brain mapping as a result. This indicates which areas require work, that is, those areas with the greatest and least activity that provide us with the necessary information for the third part of the treatment where the patient performs cognitive training with visual and auditory stimulation. Attention, memory, processing speed, visual and auditory processing and reasoning are fundamental keys to improving the learning capacity of any person.

The brain, a plastic organ


The brain is made of more than 100 billion neurons. The first investigations considered that neurogenesis stopped shortly after birth, but today we know that the brain has the ability to reorganize its neural pathways, create new connections, and even create new neurons as in the hippocampus. This finding revolutionized the concept of the brain, disproving the belief that it was the only organ unable to regenerate, and therefore static.

All of this implies that we can learn and relearn, since our brain behaves as a plastic and flexible organ throughout our life cycle. Neurogenesis can be affected by the influence of various positive factors such as learning, cognitive stimulation, physical exercise, hormonal influence, and also negative factors such as acute and chronic stress, psychiatric illnesses such as depression, etc …

Brain Plasticity

Neuronal plasticity is the set of modifications that occur in the nervous system as a result of the environment. Experience continually modifies our brain, strengthening or weakening the synapses that connect neurons. This process is known as learning. Regardless of the natural decline that old age brings, learning can produce new neurons, and our intelligence is not fixed or immutable. Neurofeedback provides brain work in each training, promoting stronger connections or helping to create new synaptic networks in different brain areas, therefore providing cognitive improvement.

Benefits of brain training

  • Increase your attention span and memory
  • Minimize stresssymptoms
  • Increase your intellectual and concentration capacity
  • Improve your ability to learn and perform
  • Increases self-control and relaxation- Delays deterioration due to aging

Who can train the brain?

This training is suitable for children, teenagers, adults, athletes, and elderly people, without any contraindication. It is appropriate for anyone who wants to promote their abilities or prevent cognitive aging. Brain gymnastics with neurofeedback, as if it were a physical training, allows greater resistance to perform tasks easier and faster. Our programs are individualized and are carried out with a previous brain mapping that indicates the state of the brain and the areas to improve.

Beneficios del ejercicio para la mente

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