Johanna Leonardo


Throughout my professional career, I have found that I love
treatment and customer service; Thanks to the empathy that characterizes me, it has helped me to listen to identify the needs of patients.

My goal is to give a warm, friendly and close attention that generates
trust and always safeguarding confidentiality. Although my mother tongue is Spanish, when I detect that the other person

expresses himself in a language other than mine, I easily happen to communicate in
Catalan, English or French. Within the team, a quality that they value in me is education and

Despite having experience in other fields of work, I have always helped
to the manager in administrative tasks; either enter data in the
computer or call customers / affiliates. It is for that reason that I studied a degree in Direction / Aux Secretariat. Administrative.

and thus to be able to develop myself in that specialty since I have always been interested in administration.

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*Todas nuestras terapias se pueden realizar online a excepción de Neurofeedback

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